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The AVA Group Foundation


Our non-profit status is still being created, however some background information is provided.


      The AVA Group Foundation was founded in 2010 by the owners of The AVA Group, LLC Real Estate Company, Darci and Fitzgerald Bobo.  The Foundation, inspired by Darci’s father, Booker T. Blakley, is dedicated to providing students—especially low-income and minority students—with the opportunity to begin or continue their higher education through assistance with associated costs while promoting a desire to learn about their own family heritage.  

      This is a family foundation driven by the desire to encourage the exploration of the student's genealogy and to promote higher and continued education.  We believe this type of personal research will help each student learn that when they are true to themselves, follow their own feelings and share openly and honestly with their loved ones, they will know and better understand why their educational successes are so important.







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